NBJ London Ltd – Illegal Workers Policy


The law on preventing illegal working is set out in sections 15 to 25 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (known as the 2006 Act) which came into force on 29 February 2008. These rules replaced the previous ones under section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 (known as the 1996 Act).

The law is in place to:

  • make it harder for people with no right to work in the UK to unlawfully gain or keep employment;

  • make it easier for employers to ensure that they only employ people who are legally allowed to work for them;

  • strengthen the Government’s controls on tackling illegal working, by making it easier to take action against employers who use illegal workers.

Company policy

NBJ (London) Ltd is committed to ensuring that there are no illegal workers in our business or our supply chains. This Statement affirms our intention to act ethically in our business relationships. NBJ London Ltd carry out appropriate VISA, Passport and DOB checks to ensure all employees are entitled to work in the UK in accordance with Sections 15 to 25 of the Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Act 2006.

Should a non-EU resident apply to work with us, as identified by pre-employment screening questions, a copy of their work visa and passport would be required. All necessary checks would then be made to ensure the person had the right to work in the UK and they have no immigration restrictions that prevent them from doing the work in question. Should a potential employees’ right to work in the UK be on a temporary basis, additional checks will be carried out to ensure that their documents have been renewed prior to them commencing employment to prevent a situation where their working rights would expire during their period of employment. All related verified documentation is retained for a minimum of 2 years after the individual has ceased employment with NBJ London Ltd.

Kind regards,

Neil Burke
Managing Director